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        创客天下·杭向未来 2022杭州市海外高层次人才创新创业大赛 公 告

              为进一步提升杭州城市国际化水平,吸引海外高层次人才及团队携高新技术项目来杭创新创业,经杭州市委、市政府同意,特举办“创客天下·杭向未来 2022杭州市海外高层次人才创新创业大赛”(以下简称“大赛”)。现就有关事宜公告如下:





                二、 大赛主题












                七、 参赛要求



































                                 创客天下 杭向未来                             


                  组  委  会                             


        Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition

        for Overseas Talents 2022 • Hangzhou


        The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition for Overseas Talents 2022Hangzhou (hereinafter referred to as “the Competition”) to be held by and with the consent of CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee and Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government for a further step of the city’s “go-global strategy” and an invitation to individuals and groups from overseas to start their business and career in Hangzhou.

        1. Organizational Structure

        Hosts: CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government.

        Executive Organizers: Talent Office of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, Hangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Hangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau. 

        Special Support: Shangcheng District, Gongshu District, Xihu District, Binjiang District, Xiaoshan District, Yuhang District (Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City / Haichuang Park), Linping District, Qiantang District, Fuyang District, Lin’an District (Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City), Jiande City.


        1. Event Theme

        With focus on the future development of digital economy and smart technology, we have made the Competition an inclusive platform directed and co-managed by the city authority and other stakeholders, providing impressive policies, talents, funds, industries and markets that help launch new business, and giving a chance for startup projects involving smart application, advanced technology, strategic emerging industries and the upgrading of outdated business. This Competition, which targets all trail-blazers and venture investors, is making Hangzhou a much-favored city for entrepreneurs from worldwide. We believe it marks a further step of the city to perform in the global spotlight and helps out with her economic transformation and upgrading.  

        1. Event Description

        The Competition 2022 consists of two sessions targeting overseas students and foreigners committed to innovations or startups around the world. There will be 12 projects from overseas students with foreign academic degrees and 3 from foreign contestants, which have survived Preliminaries, Semi-Finals and Finals, that can reach the Grand Final scheduled in November, in which the first, second and third prizes will be given following a joint road show.

        1. IEC·S Global Research Award

        The IEC·S Global Research Award, in addition to the set prizes, will be given in this Competition to outstanding solutions or individuals from worldwide to help address burning technological issues or request for some urgently sought-after talents in Hangzhou. The Award is set in three categories: industry-specific problems, SME problems, and talent demand problems. The solution considered the most helpful and finally adopted by the soliciting party, or any talent who measures up to the requirements of the most demanding employer, can receive the award when a formal agreement has been reached between the two sides.

        1. Timeline

        Closing date for projects: July 30, 2022.

        Preliminaries,Semi-Finals & Finals: August-October 2022

        Grand Final: November 2022

        More events like matchmaking webinars or networking sessions will be available from this June, an opportunity to perform a road show online to VC managers, notable enterprises, industrial parks, incubators and accelerators in Hangzhou.

        1. Eligibility

        We welcome talents from overseas with an intent to start new career or business in Hangzhou to join the Competition. Eligible contestants should be under 55 with a master (or above) degree, have experience in making technological innovations or running startups, and acquire new technologies or products with a broad market prospect.

        Those who have started business in Hangzhou are not eligible for the Competition.

        1. Requirements for Contestants

        2. Bothindividualsor teams are allowed to apply. A team candidate should contain, aside from the owner of the projects, no more than three team members. They are required to appropriately share the academic knowledge on their program and can stay in cooperation for no less than three years.

        3. Each contestant, either as an individual or a team candidate,is allowed to submit only ONE project.

        4. Product orservice the contestant suggests canbe a self-developed or licensed invention or patented technology, or a concept likely to be materialized. The project itself should belong to a high-tech or strategic emerging industry and be technologically advanced. In a team candidate the core member should legally own the intellectual property rights of the project or be authorized to use it.

        5. Each contestant should have a complete and detailed business plan that, based on all-out market surveys, can probably allow the projectsto gain a foothold in the market. It should be an account of any technologyapplied, market prospect, business strategies and funding request, and contain a description of all team members and a future development plan with clear business models.

        6. We welcome startup incubatorsor other firms both in China and from overseas to cooperate with the Competition. Whoever has confirmed such cooperation is eligible to recommend projects that meet the Competition’s requirements and are likely to base themselves in Hangzhou to enter the semi-finals.

        7. VIII.Registration

        Please register on the website https://hzzjlx.hzrs.hangzhou.gov.cn (see the banner of the Competition), fill in the registration form and upload the slides and other documents with regard to the project.

        1. Prizes and Support Measures

        2. Prizes

        We offer altogether ONE First Prize (200,000 RMB), FIVE Second Prizes (100,000 RMB), NINE Third Prizes (50,000 RMB) and about 135 Winning Prizes (20,000 RMB).

        “IEC·S Global Research Award” winners will be separately granted a sum of 50,000 RMB (for specific industrial solutions), 20,000 RMB (for the small-and-medium-sized enterprises solutions) and 10,000 RMB (for solutions to intellectual needs).   

        1. Venture Capital

        Major VC companies in Hangzhou will be invited for projects financing connection.

        1. Business Networking

        We will organize networking sessions for the Competition’s special support units, local VC companies, noted enterprises and industrial parks to meet with project owners, making it a platform to secure the connection between overseas projects and local investors, and provide all necessary services to help them start and grow in Hangzhou.

        1. Startup Mentors

        We will have eminent VC investors or experts both in China and from worldwide as startup mentors providing guidance, venture capital and other resources for projects to take the first step and grow fast.

        1. Sponsorship

        These startups register their business and start operation of the company in Hangzhou within one year after the competition will be rewarded:

        The First Prize


        The Second Prize


        The Third Prize


        Startups entering the Finals


        Startups entering the Semi-Finals

        RMB¥200,000 - 500,000

        (base on the competition rankings in the Semi-Finals)

        These startups which register in Hangzhou within two years after the competition could be re-evaluated after application. If the projects are confirmed to be advanced, they can be subsidized with the corresponding funding. 

        Other startups (entering the Semi-Finals) register in Hangzhou can enjoy the various types of local policies without evaluation.

        1. Preferential Policies

        A project registered in Hangzhou is eligible to enjoy preferential policies of the industrial park where it is located, including tax cuts, housing subsidies, financial guarantees and discount loans.

        1. Follow-up Services

        After the winning projects are put into implementation in Hangzhou, the special project personnel contact system can be established. The project teams will be visited on a regular basis to master the operation of the project. The various incentives and policies of the competition be carried out, and the application for funding for various projects and the relevant work items of other supporting policies of the winning teams would be ensured; the entrepreneurial mentors will be provided for the project teams, and the customized entrepreneurship training courses offering entrepreneurship guidance will be made for the competition "makers" and activities such as job fairs and entrepreneurial activities and so on will be held.

        1. Miscellaneous

        2. The Competition is complimentary to all contestants.

        3. No violation of any rule of the Competition is allowed. Any of unlawful submission of projects’ information or data, such as plagiarismand unauthorizeduse, is prohibited. Any contestant breaking such rules will be disqualified or requested to return the prize money. Any copyright dispute arising from the projects should be the full responsibility of the contestant.

        4. If competition cannot be normally held due to force majeure, the organizer shall have the right to make corresponding adjustments to the schedule or terminate the competition.

        5. Information of the projects will be given toall Hangzhou-based enterprises, industrial parks and research institutions with an intent to seek partners from the Competition. Road show open to the publicwill be an alternative for contestants to unveil their projects.

        6. Contestants shall join the Competition of their own free will. They are allowed to contact the Office of the Organizing Committee for any dispute or question on the Competition or choose to quit. However, they are not entitled to request for any change of the Competition’s rules or compensation for any cost incurred for the Competition.

        7. The Organizing Committee shall reserve the final rights to supplement the rules of the Competition and explain them. Matters not covered herein shall be separately informed.

        8. Please contact the Office of the Organizing Committee by calling+86(571) 88381596 / 88389576 / 88389976, or by sending an email to iechz@vip.163.com

        Organizing Committee,             

        Innovation & Entrepreneurship            

        Competition for Overseas Talents          

        2022· Hangzhou             
